What are you becoming?

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On a shoot with the awesome Silvie Bonne, we wandered around Görlitzer park in the late afternoon…⁣

By the time we finished the sun was setting. So of course I took my time walking back to the U-Bahn - in fact I took the longest way possible ;) It’s called the magic hour for a reason, right?⁣

There were enough people in the park to make it feel alive but not crowded. In a pre-covid world I think a lovely eve like this would’ve brought way more people out...so I’ll take silver linings where I can get ‘em. ⁣

It was so nice to see people chilling on the grass, eating, drinking, and taking in the sunset, or walking along with their friends or kids. I’ve been realizing, slowly, how the pandemic isolation has impacted me. Things feel different even if I can’t find the words to articulate exactly how.⁣

Being able to walk outside with a camera in hand, in the midst of people, is something I’ve done just a handful of times this year so far...and last year, ditto. ⁣

I love photographing on the streets and at events - even just picnicking with friends or whatever. Photography is actually really tied to my social life in general...I’m so introverted that it often takes a shoot to get me out to meet people! Not having any social events means limited photography...and vice versa.⁣

I have definitely been missing a piece of my identity...sometimes I wonder if it’s still there, if I’ll be able to find it again like it how it used to be.⁣

And then I remember that it’s okay to let things be as they are. I don’t need to find a way to be the same person I was pre-pandemic...

I just need to accept what is and keep creating the person I’m becoming. That’s all we're ever doing, anyway, I guess, through life’s ups and down. ⁣

So I'm raising my glass right now to the person I'm becoming...and to the person you’re becoming, too...

Because if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that we’re all in this together ❤️