One step at a time...


What is a bridge? ⁣

A safe way to get from one place to another…⁣


You are transitioning in every moment. It’s actually crazy if you stop and think about it. It’s why I love the idea, and experience, of movement meditation so much - because it makes sense... ⁣

It's like giving voice to our permanent state of transition...through the language of movement. ⁣

I’ve been walking a lot lately around Berlin. Over bridges, along canals, through cemeteries, across parks, in quiet deserted fields and loud bustling streets.⁣

One step at a time.

Noticing the people, trees, bricks, grass, skies...the yellow honeysuckle flowers growing on the side of a canal...the natural worn-in curve of an otherwise hard-as-rock building wall...mothers pushing strollers that reveal so much about their life (or at least appear to, but who knows. The imagination wonders.)

In this weird purgatory between one state and another, movement is the only 'answer' that makes sense. And when you’re a city-dweller like me, walking the streets can sort of become a zen-like manifesto for your days.⁣